Wednesday, January 27, 2010

big boy in a little bath

I just love seeing my baby in the buff.

Would you like some butter with those rolls dear?

Monday, January 25, 2010

sweet music

It turns out that Caleb is as musically inclined as his mother and father, and all those before us. He's been whistling since he was 8 months old, started dancing sooner than that, and absolutely loves listening to whatever pretty noise goes on around him. He even sings, quite often, and that especially makes me very, very happy.

He's not really playing the piano here, just fascinated by it. Maybe once he has a little more control over his appendages, we'll see if he has a knack for it. But for now we'll just stick with the 8-key xylophone he got last week. Momma's gonna show him how to play Chipsticks, behind his back ;).