Sunday, August 8, 2010

little sneak

Since Caleb learned to climb on things a few weeks ago, he's been getting into a lot of trouble. If it's a first offense, we try to be easy on him, but if he knows it's wrong (and we know he knows), it's really infuriating, especially when he could get hurt, or get ahold of something he shouldn't.

For a while, his favorite trick was getting on the couch and magically appearing on the ground beside the armrest, which, given the old location of our kitchen table, required some serious acrobatics. Now he's seeking greener pastures, climbing onto the chairs to get to the kitchen table. He'll usually play with the pepper shaker (inevitably followed by a fit of the most adorable sneezes), or ransack the secret hiding place for his pacifiers (that top right drawer behind him), which is fairly harmless. But of course, the one day I have a chocolate mousse pie to divvy up between the adults, someone gets to it first.

What a little sneak! I had to let him have some fun with it, and take a few pictures, of course, and then he was reprimanded accordingly - "Caleb, please don't climb." But the worst punishment I could've ever given him was taking that pie away. Boy, was he MAD!

I'd like to say I learned my lesson not to leave anything where he might possibly get to it, but he's big enough to get into the junk drawer where we keep our scissors, the dishwasher where we often have knives, and the edge of the countertops where there are sometimes heavy, sharp, raw, or otherwise not-good-for-a-baby items. After one or two knife-in-hand incidents (which after confiscating said knife I proceeded to have a heart attack) and a dozen foreign-objects-being-inserted-into-ear incidents, I've decided that no amount of baby-proofing is going to be enough. I just have to constantly keep an eye on him.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That's why they invented child-proof locks! We love them around here. :)