Tuesday, September 8, 2009


I've been working with Caleb for over a week, drilling him on his D's so he can learn the second most important name he'll ever say. He would watch my mouth so carefully, and mimmick what my tongue was doing in my mouth, then finally he put his voice behind it and out it came... "Da-Da!" It was so beautiful.

That was five days ago and he hasn't stopped saying it since. I'm a little jealous, but mostly happy that Michael can now feel the same pride that I've enjoyed the last month and a half, that Caleb seems to know who we are and what he wants from us. He still says ma-ma when he's sad or tired or hungry, and da-da's more of a playtime word... go figure. I think he really likes how it sounds, and so do I.

And man can that boy jump!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Daisy did that too. "Mama" was when she was tired or whiney and "Dada" was her happy noise.

Can't wait to see you in a couple weeks!