Tuesday, September 15, 2009

getting into everything

Note to self: don't leave box filled with mini bags of chips unattended while 7-month-old is on the loose. At least he's happy, and it was an easy clean-up.

Since he learned how to stand up two weeks ago, he's been testing his limits on everything he can get his hands and elbows on. The bed, the couch, the cupboards... mommy's jeans. He'll follow me into the kitchen when I'm doing dishes or cooking and use my legs to hoist himself into a standing or at least kneeling position and tug at my pants. He's lucky if I notice him creeping up on me before I accidentally knock him over. He can even open doors if they're left open a crack. We try to keep him out of the bathroom because it's "yuck," so of course that's where he wants to go more than anything. He's so inquisitive.

He's been tearing at all the books on the bottom shelf since he realized they were there, and now he can reach the second shelf. What's a mom to do? I know! Give him an old magazine he can go to town on and we'll both be happy. Seriously, he loves pages, and hearing them crinkle and rip. Thank goodness it's not one of my Twilight books!

Check out the do. And check out this face Michael's making! Right when I was pushing the button to take this picture, Caleb let out a rather gravely burp. The daddy gets easily grossed out by those kind of things - which means he hasn't changed a poopy diaper in about 7 months - but it also gave us this priceless photo.

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