Thursday, May 20, 2010

the coolest thing since his binky

Automatic doors. Better yet, four automatic doors in a row. I'm not sure what the point is, having so many, but they certainly kept Caleb entertained for a good fifteen minutes at one of the rest areas we stopped at along the way. Definitely a nice break from our four-day car ride (not to mention the tire swing out back).

We also discovered that he's fascinated by drinking fountains. At first he wanted to touch the water, then he liked putting his mouth in it (but can't figure out how to drink any), now the only thing he's interested in is getting his binky wet and shoving that back in his mouth. I wonder if we'll ever be rid of that thing? I suppose I should be glad he even takes one. It has definitely come in handy doing this many hours of non-stop driving. Toys and snacks and music were a big help as well :).

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