Sunday, May 24, 2009


I had a little get-together with two of my good friends from high school and their beaus. Lauren is newlywed to a great guy named Alec, and Shellie and Brian are engaged to be married in a couple weeks. They're all a lot of fun to be around, and since I'm heading back to NC next week to be with my own man, I had to squeeze in one more visit with them.

The conversation with these guys is great, and we just had a ball, mostly while playing a game I'd never heard of called the Great Dalmudi. It ended up being a very late night, especially for me and Caleb who are used to retiring much earlier. He slept through most of the excitement minus an hour or two where he was the excitement. I knew he'd get along great with the girls, because they can be really goofy, but this was completely unexpected. You'd think he was mad, but he was just goofing around.

What a dork.

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