Monday, July 27, 2009

jumpin' an' bumpin'

We got Caleb this used Johnny Jump-Up last weekend to help him utilize his constant kicking into something a little more constructive, and entertaining. His first time in it was just that, and he was so overwhelmed with joy - or some unknown emotion - that instead of laughing, he just took a one wheezy, over-excited breath after another and we wondered how he didn't choke (because Michael and I did every time we tried to imitate him).

I was a little disappointed, but understanding, when I saw that he didn't get the hang of it right away. He kinda just dangled there and spun around on the ball of one foot, occasionally alternating to the other, and stiffening his legs once in a while so he did kind of a half jump, or a lung of sorts. I set him in the device again this afternoon so he could keep himself occupied while I washed the dishes... and then I had the brilliant idea to turn on some tunes for both of us to enjoy. I can't tell you how happy I was to see that music drives him as much as his momma. He even kept to the beat... almost.

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