Thursday, March 12, 2009

buff kid

We'be been trying to get him to enjoy "tummy time," to help him develop his neck and back muscles. Unfortunately, any time we put him on the ground, he just lays there with his face smothered in the blanket, occasionally looking around in a confused way, and eventually getting upset that we abandoned him to soak in his own drool. I'm not sure what the situation was here, - I think I had to set him down so I could have both hands to do something, I don't know - but I'm glad I got a picture of it.

Also, our little man is now five weeks old. He's so strong sitting up all by himself (with the help of the ottoman behind him). We shot this just before he keeled over. What a doll.

1 comment:

Sheena Marie said...

WHAT A CUTIE!!!! I can see both Mommy and Daddy in him. What a little heartbreaker he is going to be!